31edo logo

Logo Explanation

This is my logo for the site, and in some ways, is meant to be representative of 31edo as a whole.


The basis of the logo is that the corners are points on a 31-tone wheel. Specifically, they're a mode of Squares[8], a scale that exists in 31edo, as well as other interesting systems like 14edo and 17edo.

The scale to the right is the principle mode of Squares[8], the scale you get when you start at a root note and keep stacking the generator, a supermajor third, until you have 8 notes. The star-esque pattern makes it fairly ideal for a logo, so it's what I chose. Additionally, out of the "main" scales of 31edo, like Meantone[7], Orwell[9], and Neutral[7], Squares[8] is relatively unexplored, but I personally think that its voice leading and functional properties warrant significantly more use than it sees.

Squares[8] Mode 5

The mode of the scale that I wanted to use is the fifth mode. With a supermajor root triad, supermajor seventh, subminor sixth, and neutral third, it has excellent options for resolution, like a 6:7:9:11 Undecimal Tetrad on the dbII, and spicy root chord alternatives, like a 14:18:22:27 Supermajor Seven Augmented chord. It's a fantastic, dramatic sounding scale, and shows off the unfamiliar options that are available everywhere in 31edo.

From here, to complete the logo, I wanted to connect the 2\31 and 18\31 somehow. They're at either end of the generator chain, so they're in the same type of position as the Augmented Fourth and Minor Second in a standard Meantone[12] setup, so the interval between them is our "Wolf". I wanted it to stand out, so I colored it green and made it a wavey line. The wave is that of a string vibrating an octave above its fundamental, symbolizing the octave period that our 31 notes belong to.

31edo logo

For the green, I just picked a hex code that has 31-related numbers and letters in it, so #62ca93 it is, and that's the final product 😎